Business Training Workshops

"New insight into how relationship Management impacts production and profits for your company."


Would you like to be more effective at "reading people" and thereby becoming more able at communicating, selling, managing, building a team and managing conflict? Dr. Jerry Brown has been using this TOOL in his consulting and training services for more than twenty years. This tool is called TDf and has been used internationally by large corporations and small businesses. However, it is just making its way into the southwest USA. TDf is a cognitively based way to understand human dynamics, motivation and production.

Dr. Brown has conducted these workshops for all types of businesses both large and small. Here are is a sample of those:

  • North Colorado Medical Center, Greeley, CO (See t estimonial letter below)
  • Loveless Westside Hospital, Albuquerque, NM
  • Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce (Small Business Seminar "Selling: How to Read Your Potential Customer")
  • Leadership La Plata, Durango, CO
  • Farmington Fire Department, Farmington, NM
  • Durango Handy Man Construction
  • Namaste Assisted Living Staff, Farmington, NM
  • San Juan Medical Family Practice, Farmington, NM
  • Mountain Bike Specialist, Durango, CO (See testimonial letter below)
  • Robbins Heating & Air Conditioning, Farmington, NM (See testimonial letter below)
  • Crowley CPA Firm, Farmington, NM

Sample Agenda

WORKBOOK: INTRODUCING TDF: Understanding Yourself; Understanding Others

Cognitively Speaking: What is your sequencing or pattern?

Validation: Motivation and Task Production (handout) TDF Inner Voices (page 95)

COMMUNICATIONS: Internal/External Processors Styles (page 90) Be Prepared (handout) Each Lens Has Its Own Language (Handout) More TDf Languages (pages 101-103) Pattern Interactions Pop Quiz: Listening and Speaking

TDF and SELLING: "How I Sell" vs "How They Buy" A New Way to READ Your Customer/ Client/Buyer.

LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS Situational Leadership Model Personality Impact: Remember to use Motivation & Task Production

PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH If Our Pattern is Hardwired!? Then How Do We CHANGE ? Over Use & Under Use: Strengths in Excess Become Our Liabilities. Remember to Balance. (pages 98-99) Career Development and Choices ?

MORE TDF: The Rest of the Story. Research Manual Comparison to MBTI and DiSC

Workshop Options:

  • Three/Four Hour Model: Introduction to TDf, inventory & profile, and brief samples of applications to communications, team-building motivation and task production.
  • Five/Six Hour Model: All of the above PLUS Applications to Leadership, Selling, Personal/Professional Growth and Role Play Demonstrations & Examples.
  • Seven/Eight Hour Model: All of the above PLUS Applications to your specific problem areas and needed skills development.
Follow-up Consultations: $125.00 per hour.


"Over the last several years, I have helped build a group of 45 hospital based professionals. Along the way, we have had regular group retreats - our most recent with Dr. Brown leading us through the TDf model. In short, it was our finest workshop to date. Group members were interested and enlightened. Now several months post retreat, TDF concepts remain a part of our daily parlance. I am confident you will find Dr. Brown to be as thoughtful and wise as I have. He is a master of TDf content; facile in his delivery and broadly experienced in all matters, of interpersonal communication" Jim Birgenheier, MD

"Dr. Brown and the TDf method has helped our team appreciate our differences, communicate, and use our strengths as an advantage. Our customer service has increased because of our happy employees and our customers are notiCing. Using TDF as a sales tool has increased our sales because we can read customers and give them the information they need to make decisions. I would highly recommend Dr. Brown to any business looking to increase their way of llfe." Michelle Robbins, Owner, Robbins Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

"With high esteem, I would recommend Dr. Jerry Brown's TDf Training program. Dr. Brown was professional, insightful, and a true subject matter expelt in the field of TDf Business Training. Dr. Brown trained our leaders in an in depth 8 hour training session. The training consisted of aIJ our leaders; to include, the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, as welJ as, our Chief Nursing Officer. The training was enlighten and informative to aIJ the leaders, even those leaders with over 25 years of experience leading others.

Dr. Brown was able to bring real life examples to the training, which enhanced the learning experience. As a leadership group, we've come to understand and appreciate our differences in communicating. As an integral part of the leadership team, I feel that we've become a stronger group since we can now apply the TDftechniques learned in the h·aining. The training was insightful and will definitely help our leaders to grow both professionalJy and personally


Again, I would recommend Dr. Brown to come in to any organization to help train any level of management." Vel Marks, Human Resources Director, Lovelace Westside Hospital

"We have enjoyed the training so f ar and are using our new common language in our conversations and problem solving. We are excited to meet again next week and will have lots of questions for Dr. Brown. This has been the most engaging training we have had in the 8 years I have been here at Farmington Family Practice. We are anxious to learn how to use TDf to improve communications at work and home. So glad to have found you, Dr. Brown, and TDf." Tonya McPheeters, HR Department, Farmington Family Practice

"In business we have come to reolize that better internal communication within our employee group pays direct benefits. At MBS we have also discovered our ability to best serve our customers has increosed after enhancing this skill. Over the years we have tried many methods to reoch this g9al with varying degrees of success. Finally, we hit upon the idea of bringing in Dr Jerry Brown to assist with our growth. Dr. Brown uses a tool called TDF that has been effective internationally for affecting this type of change.

What motivated MBS to seek Dr Browns help were difficult internal relationships. Our outcome was quick success in that area, and the unforeseen benefit of increased aptitude for interacting with our customers. With Dr Brown coaching, MBS staff learned to more easily connect with each other and potential clients. Once leorned, these skills helped us create relationships in which we could more eosily convert shoppers to buyers. Management time to deal with challenging internal relationships has dropped dramatically.

In close, MBS has benefited greatly. I would recommend Dr. Brown's service as being essential." John Glover, General Manager, Mountain Bike Specialists

Contact Dr. Jerry Brown

Call (505) 400-7282 or use the form below.